Continental Conflicts: Americas

The Americas have been home to several conflicts over the last decade. These conflicts range from political upheavals, social unrest, and armed conflicts. In this analysis, we will provide an overview of the most significant conflicts that have occurred in North, South, and Central America in the last ten years.

North America

In North America, one of the most significant conflicts has been the US-Mexico border crisis. This conflict stems from the issue of illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The US government has been trying to build a wall along the border to prevent illegal immigration, but Mexico has opposed this move. The conflict has led to strained relations between the two countries, with Mexico accusing the US of violating human rights.

Another conflict in North America is the rise of white supremacy and hate crimes. Over the last decade, there has been a surge in hate crimes against minority groups, particularly African Americans and Hispanics. This rise in hate crimes has been attributed to the rhetoric of the former US President, Donald Trump, who has been accused of promoting hate speech.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also created conflicts in North America, particularly between the US and Canada. During the pandemic, the US government restricted the export of personal protective equipment (PPE) to Canada, which led to strained relations between the two countries. Additionally, the pandemic has caused social unrest, with many people protesting against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

The Black Lives Matter movement has also caused conflicts in North America. This movement seeks to end police brutality against African Americans and has led to protests and riots in several US cities. The movement has been criticized for being violent, with some people accusing its supporters of looting and vandalism.

Finally, the #MeToo movement has also caused conflicts in North America, particularly in the entertainment industry. The movement seeks to end sexual harassment and has led to the downfall of several high-profile individuals in the entertainment industry.

Central America

In Central America, one of the most significant conflicts has been the migration crisis. Millions of people from Central America, particularly from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, have migrated to the US in search of a better life. The migration crisis has led to strained relations between the US and these countries, with the US implementing strict immigration policies and deporting migrants back to their home countries.

Another conflict in Central America is the drug trade. Central American countries are used as transit points for drugs from South America to the US. This has led to violence and social unrest in the region, with drug cartels and gangs fighting for control of the drug trade.

Political instability has also been a source of conflict in Central America. Several countries in the region have experienced political crises in the last decade, with corruption and human rights violations being major issues. In Guatemala, former President Otto Pérez Molina was forced to resign in 2015 following corruption allegations.

The environment has also been a source of conflict in Central America. The region is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes, which have led to widespread damage and loss of life. Additionally, the extraction of natural resources such as mining and logging has led to environmental degradation and conflicts with indigenous communities.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has also caused conflicts in Central America. Many countries in the region have struggled to contain the virus, leading to strained healthcare systems and economic turmoil. Additionally, the pandemic has led to social unrest, with people protesting against lockdowns and economic hardships.

South America

In South America, one of the most significant conflicts has been the political crisis in Venezuela. The crisis began in 2013 when Nicolás Maduro became the President of Venezuela. Since then, the country has experienced economic turmoil, social unrest, and political instability. The crisis has led to the migration of millions of Venezuelans to other countries in South America.

Another conflict in South America is the drug trade. Several South American countries, including Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia, are major producers of cocaine. The drug trade has led to violence and social unrest in these countries, with drug cartels and paramilitary groups fighting for control of the drug trade.

The Amazon rainforest has also been a source of conflict in South America. The rainforest is home to several indigenous communities, and their way of life has been threatened by deforestation and mining. Environmental activists have protested against the destruction of the rainforest, but their efforts have been met with resistance from governments and corporations.

Social inequality has also been a source of conflict in South America. Many countries in the region have high levels of income inequality, which has led to social unrest and protests. In Chile, protests erupted in 2019 over the high cost of living and inequality. The protests led to the resignation of several government officials and the drafting of a new constitution.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has also caused conflicts in South America. Many countries in the region have struggled to contain the spread of the virus, leading to strained healthcare systems and economic turmoil.

International Conflicts

There have been several international conflicts that have affected the Americas over the last decade. One of the most significant is the crisis in Syria. The conflict in Syria has led to a refugee crisis, with millions of people fleeing the country and seeking refuge in other countries, including in the Americas.

Another international conflict that has affected the Americas is the crisis in Venezuela. The crisis has led to the migration of millions of Venezuelans to other countries in South America, leading to strained relations between Venezuela and its neighbors. Additionally, the US has imposed sanctions on Venezuela, which has led to further economic turmoil in the country.

The crisis in the Middle East has also affected the Americas. The US has been involved in several conflicts in the region, including the Iraq War and the war in Afghanistan. These conflicts have led to the migration of refugees to the Americas and have strained relations between the US and several Middle Eastern countries.

Finally, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has also affected the Americas. The US and its allies have imposed sanctions on Russia following its annexation of Crimea in 2014. Additionally, the conflict has led to the migration of refugees to other countries, including in the Americas.


In conclusion, the Americas have experienced several conflicts over the last decade. These conflicts range from political crises and social unrest to armed conflicts and environmental degradation. The COVID-19 pandemic has also created new conflicts, particularly in the areas of healthcare and economics. International conflicts have also affected the Americas, with refugees and economic sanctions being major issues. It is essential for governments and international organizations to work together to address these conflicts and find peaceful solutions.

