Continental Conflicts: Europe

Over the past few years, Europe has experienced a variety of conflicts, both within its borders and in its relations with neighboring regions. This analysis will provide an in-depth examination of these conflicts, assessing their origins, impacts, and potential resolutions. Specifically, we will focus on five significant areas of contention: the Ukrainian Crisis, the migration crisis, Brexit, the rise of populism and nationalism, and the tension between the European Union and Turkey.

The Ukrainian Crisis

The Ukrainian Crisis began in late 2013 with the Euromaidan protests in Kiev, which led to the ousting of then-president Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014. The pro-European movement was sparked by Yanukovych’s decision to abandon an Association Agreement with the European Union in favor of closer ties with Russia. The crisis escalated into a broader geopolitical conflict when Russia annexed Crimea in March 2014, causing widespread international condemnation and leading to economic sanctions against Russia.

The ongoing war in Eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists has left thousands dead and millions displaced. This conflict has deepened divisions within Ukraine and complicated relations between Russia and the West, particularly the European Union and the United States. Despite multiple ceasefires and peace efforts, the conflict remains unresolved, and violence continues to flare up periodically.

The Ukrainian Crisis has had a significant impact on European security, prompting NATO to bolster its eastern flank and reassess its strategies in the face of Russian aggression. The crisis has also highlighted the vulnerability of some Eastern European countries, particularly those with substantial Russian-speaking populations, such as the Baltic States.

The European Union and the United States have sought to counter Russian aggression through economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure. However, these efforts have not yet produced a resolution to the conflict or deterred Russia from further actions. Instead, the crisis has contributed to a broader deterioration of relations between Russia and the West.

Looking forward, the Ukrainian Crisis remains a significant challenge for European security and diplomacy. Achieving a lasting resolution will require continued diplomatic engagement, support for Ukraine’s economic and political reforms, and a concerted effort to address the root causes of the conflict, including historical grievances and competing geopolitical interests.

The Migration Crisis

The migration crisis, which peaked in 2015, saw an unprecedented influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia seeking asylum in Europe. Driven by conflicts, economic hardship, and human rights abuses, these individuals risked dangerous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea and through Eastern European countries in search of safety and opportunity.

This influx of migrants and refugees has placed significant strain on European countries, both in terms of resources and political stability. While some countries, such as Germany and Sweden, initially welcomed large numbers of migrants, others have resisted accepting them, leading to tensions within the European Union and a breakdown of solidarity among its member states.

The migration crisis has fueled the rise of right-wing populist parties and nationalist movements in Europe, which have capitalized on concerns about security, cultural identity, and economic competition. This has led to increased xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment, as well as a general erosion of trust in traditional political institutions.

In response to the crisis, the European Union has sought to strengthen its external borders, reform its asylum system, and engage in cooperative efforts with countries of origin and transit to address the root causes of migration. However, these efforts have been met with mixed success, and the issue of migration remains a significant challenge for European policymakers.

The migration crisis has exposed and exacerbated existing tensions within the European Union, highlighting the need for greater cooperation and unity among member states. Moving forward, Europe must balance its humanitarian obligations with its security concerns, promoting inclusive policies that address the needs of both migrants and host communities while working to address the root causes of migration and displacement.


Brexit, or the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union, has been one of the most significant political events in recent European history. Following a 2016 referendum in which 52% of the UK electorate voted to leave the EU, the UK officially withdrew on January 31, 2020, after years of negotiations and political turmoil.

The Brexit process has had considerable economic, political, and social repercussions for both the UK and the European Union. It has led to economic uncertainty, disruptions in trade, and a weakening of the British pound. Moreover, the negotiations surrounding Brexit have exposed divisions within the UK, particularly between England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

Brexit has also had implications for the European Union itself, as the departure of one of its largest and most influential members has raised questions about the future of European integration. While some member states have pushed for deeper integration in response to Brexit, others have expressed skepticism and a desire for more national autonomy.

One of the most contentious issues during the Brexit negotiations was the question of the Irish border, which raised concerns about the Good Friday Agreement and the potential for renewed violence in Northern Ireland. Ultimately, a complex and controversial protocol was agreed upon, but tensions remain and have been exacerbated by ongoing trade disputes and political disagreements.

Looking ahead, the long-term consequences of Brexit for both the UK and the EU remain uncertain. The relationship between the two entities will continue to evolve as they adapt to new political, economic, and security realities. The Brexit experience has underscored the need for the EU to address internal divisions and promote unity among its remaining member states.

The Rise of Populism and Nationalism

Over the past decade, Europe has witnessed a surge in populism and nationalism, with right-wing political parties and movements gaining ground in numerous countries. This trend has been fueled by various factors, including the migration crisis, economic inequality, and disillusionment with traditional political institutions.

Populist and nationalist parties have gained significant electoral success in countries such as Hungary, Poland, Italy, and France. These parties often advocate for more restrictive immigration policies, increased national sovereignty, and opposition to European integration. In some cases, they have pursued policies that undermine democratic norms and the rule of law, raising concerns about the future of liberal democracy in Europe.

The rise of populism and nationalism has also had implications for European foreign policy and the cohesion of the European Union. Populist governments in Hungary and Poland, for example, have frequently clashed with the EU over issues such as migration, judicial independence, and media freedom, straining relations within the bloc.

The resurgence of nationalism in Europe has also been accompanied by an increase in ethnic tensions and separatist movements. Examples include the ongoing conflict in Catalonia, Spain, and the renewed calls for Scottish independence following Brexit.

Addressing the rise of populism and nationalism in Europe will require concerted efforts by political leaders, civil society, and citizens to promote social cohesion, inclusive economic growth, and the values of liberal democracy. This will entail fostering dialogue, defending democratic institutions, and addressing the underlying grievances that have fueled the growth of these movements.

Tension Between the European Union and Turkey

Tensions between the European Union and Turkey have grown over the past decade, fueled by a range of issues including human rights

concerns, the migration crisis, and disputes over territorial waters in the Eastern Mediterranean. Turkey’s increasingly authoritarian turn under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strained relations with the EU, which has criticized Ankara for its crackdown on political opposition, journalists, and civil society organizations.

The migration crisis has also been a major point of contention between the EU and Turkey. In 2016, the two parties reached a deal in which Turkey agreed to prevent migrants from crossing into the EU via its territory in exchange for financial support and other concessions. However, this agreement has been marred by disagreements over funding, implementation, and human rights concerns.

In recent years, tensions have escalated in the Eastern Mediterranean due to disputes over energy resources and territorial claims. Turkey’s aggressive exploration activities in waters claimed by Greece and Cyprus have sparked diplomatic standoffs and raised concerns about the potential for military conflict.

The prospect of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, which has been under negotiation since 2005, has become increasingly remote due to these ongoing tensions and Turkey’s domestic political developments. Many EU member states have expressed reservations about admitting a country that they perceive as diverging from European democratic norms and values.

In order to address the complex relationship between the European Union and Turkey, both parties will need to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards mutually beneficial solutions. This will involve addressing human rights concerns, finding a fair and sustainable resolution to the migration issue, and resolving territorial disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ultimately, the future of EU-Turkey relations will depend on their ability to navigate these challenges and find common ground on shared interests and values.


The past decade has witnessed a multitude of conflicts and challenges on the European continent, ranging from geopolitical disputes to internal divisions within the European Union. In order to address these issues and promote peace, stability, and prosperity, European leaders must work together to foster cooperation, uphold democratic values, and engage in constructive diplomacy both within and outside the EU’s borders. The coming years will be crucial in determining the future trajectory of Europe and its role in the world.

